I Always Remember About… What’s My Morning Beauty Routine?

Posted In: Beautiful Body

Hello, girls!

I try to make sure that every day starts the same way. It’s not because I’m into discipline, order and organisation. My mornings are the same because I want to care for my skin and body using the best possible way. Check my every-morning beauty routine.


When I sleep well, I know my day begins great and it can be one of the best ones. I devote at least 8 hours to sleep. After waking up, I lie in bed for several minutes. Why is it so important? At night, skin regenerates, cellular renewal processes run more efficiently than during the day, the epidermis absorbs all nutrients included in creams. The quality of sleep is as important. In the evening, I take a warm bath, have a cup of melissa or do a relaxing massage. If you follow such an evening beauty care, your skin will be smooth and radiant in the morning.


It’ sour but is the source of ingredients that are valuable for health and beauty. I drink lemon juice a few times a week; it purifies and makes my body strong, helps lose weight, brightens the skin. I sometimes drink it instead of a morning coffee, water or energy drink. I enrich the juice with honey or ginger in winter. It tastes and works amazing.


As I mentioned, I spend a few minutes in bed clearing my mind. I try not to think about clothes or makeup I’ll wear to work or if I won’t be late. Such unnecessary thoughts make us feel tired at the very beginning of the day. We must get some positive mood and attitude after waking up. I repeat the ritual in the evening. No worries… there will be time for some serious life reflections.


High-quality products and using them the right way are two key steps in the professional skin care. Go for cosmetics matching your skin type. Choose natural products with few ingredients. Remember also that the proper use of cosmetics matters. Tap them into the washed and dried face, doing a massage. In this way, you will smooth and deeply moisturise your skin and make it radiant and beautiful throughout the day.

How do you start a new day? 

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