Which Heat Protectant Spray Do I Recommend? Check Round-Up of My Favorites!
How often do you use a heat-styling tool or a blow-dryer? Flat irons, heated rollers, curling wands… They all help to get a dream style but the overuse often leads to total hair destruction. They deprive the hair of water, leaving it crazy dry. How to secure it against the heat then? I use a brilliant remedy – a heat protectant spray – every time I reach out for a dryer. See what such products do and which one is worth testing!
Heat protectant sprays. Which one’s best?

Here’s my favorite, brilliantly-working heat protection spray which never lets me down. Beyond creating a super-effective shield against heat, it has a conditioning effect making the hair smooth and glossy for many hours. It keeps my hairdo flawless all day. I love it for the nutrients infused into the formula: this thermo spray is rich in silk proteins which nourish, smooth and beautify the hair, preventing frizzy and static flyaways, which I see on my tresses. Here’s my tip for you: the Nanoil Heat Protectant Spray has such an amazing shine-boosting effect that I use it even during the day, not just before blow-drying. I love how smooth and super-soft my hair is after this product. I guess it’s the only thermal protection spray to impress me so much. Bonus: wonderful aroma and great price! <3
Visit – www.nanoil.us!

Do you know products by OUAI? They’re high-end items so I bargained for amazing results. I didn’t feel disappointed! Apart from brilliantly protecting against heat damage, it acts as a good setting spray. It kept my hair perfect-looking for many hours. The Ouai Heat Protection Spray is designed for thin, weak hair which needs strong protection against heat. Too bad it costs a lot and doesn’t last long. Not an economical option.

That’s a long name, isn’t it? The “invisible” oil is pretty effective at protecting the hair in the summer. If you’re looking for a thing that will secure your hair from UV damage, then the Bumble and Bumble Oil will make sure the sun doesn’t do any harm. This cosmetic combines six lightweight oils. It’s good for nourishing and boosting shine but must be used sparingly because the effect of flat and greasy strands is easily achievable. It costs a lot but protects well.

Genesis Défense Thermique is more of a strengthening leave-in conditioner rather than a typical heat protectant but many bloggers rave about its anti-heat damage effect so I gave it a try too. You know what? This product works pretty well. It’s lightweight and non-overburdening but I did smell alcohol while applying it. Genesis Défense Thermique lasts long but the price isn’t encouraging. I included it in my roundup because it’s popular but it didn’t give me the amazing smooth hair like Nanoil or OUAI.

It’s a leave-in hair-conditioning spray which is supposed to nourish and moisturize the strands. I got tempted to try it because it’s made for enhancing the hair color and keeping it vivid. Does it deliver heat protection though? It isn’t powerful but it does secure against heat because of oils infused into the formula. They protect against high temperatures slightly. The product includes argan oil, sunflower oil and castor oil, among others. Tbh, I think the ingredient list is too long. Still, the spray makes the hair look nicer.
Do you protect your hair against heat? If so, what do you use? Share your favorites please! 🙂