Is It a Perfect Mascara? I’m Testing Urban Planet Pro Artist Mascara Volume Edition

Hi, there! Have you ever bought a mascara only because it was on special offer or you simply felt like buying it? I have… A few days ago, I left a store with a bargain mascara and a big smile on my face. Sadly, my enthusiasm was quickly gone. What happened? Appearances can be deceptive Urban Planet Pro Artist Mascara Volume Edition looked like a regul[...]

My Cosmetic Must Have – 3 Things I Always Have On Me

Posted In: Beauty Tricks
Hey, girls! I’ve taken an important beauty decision recently. I looked through my beauty bag (the one I always have on me), threw useless things away and equipped it with the essentials. Except for a powder, blusher, mascara and lipstick, there is… yeah, what is it? The absolute must-haves :) Read about my top 3! 1. Blotting papers. Praise the inve[...]
good vitamin c face serum Nanoil

Nanoil with vitamin C. When and how do I use it? How did it affect my skin?

I'd like to devote today's post to my absolutely fave skincare product - Nanoil Vitamin C Face Serum. I've been using it regularly for a few months now and I can honestly tell you that my skin loves it! At last I got rid of dark acne spots, which I thought would stay with me forever. So, by the time you finish reading this post, you will have learnt how Nan[...]

Crow’s Feet & Dark Circles? How Around-Eye Skin Grows Old…

Posted In: Beauty Tricks | Fun Facts
Hey! These are the first signs to appear – charming for some, giving others a headache. Expression lines, crow’s feet and dark under-eye circles. That’s what our eye skin is going to (or already does) look like. Check how it ages and how to delay the unwanted process! Dark under-eye circles The skin under your eyes is very sensitive, fragile and t[...]

Vegetable care? Discover the properties of parsley seed oil

Posted In: Beautiful Body | Fun Facts
Hello lovelies!  I must share my recent purchase with you! As you already know, I am a huge fan of natural plant oils, but until recently, I had no ideas about the existence of this particular oil. This is definitely my cosmetic discovery of the year! Today's entry will be devoted to parsley seed oil. Composition  In this oil, we find petroselinic ac[...]
organique sweet moments

Sweet Moment – Valentine’s Day limited edition by Organique

Posted In: Cosmetic Tests
Organique is one of my favourite brand selling conditioning products and I've been faithful to it for a few years now. I keep an eye on all the new stuff Organique releases, but I also like to reach for the products that have been available in this brand's offer longer. One of such products is the limited edition cosmetics designed for Valentine's Day. Altho[...]